Sun Prairie (608) 825-6200 or Madison (608) 288-8220


The Health Benefits of Wellness USA Saunas and iGym Technology

The Health Benefits of Wellness USA Saunas and iGym Technology

Are you looking to elevate your wellness routine to the next level? Imagine combining the ancient therapeutic benefits of saunas with cutting-edge fitness technology. With Wellness Saunas and RedFit iGym, you can do just that, unlocking a new realm of health and vitality.

Saunas have stood the test of time, offering profound detoxification benefits and relaxation for centuries. The advanced technology of infrared saunas brings an abundance of advantages to your well-being, so read on for just a few ways in which incorporating Wellness USA saunas and RedFit iGym into your daily routine can revolutionize your health.

Benefits of BioStacking Natural Energies

BioStaking is defined as a proven neuro-science that gives people proper techniques to optimize their personal performance. RedFit Saunas have revolutionized the sauna experience through the use of BioStacking natural energies. Users are treated to a blend of natural energies (depending on the model purchased) that promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. The energies include Chromolight Stations, infrared heat systems, infrared gemstones, Himalayan salt tiles, Canadian Hemlock, and Canadian Red Cedar, just to name a few. By harnessing all of these natural energies into a sauna, users will have a comprehensive and immersive wellness experience that targets various aspects of their health and vitality. 

The Health & Wellness Benefits of a Sauna

  1. Increase Metabolism: As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down, leading to various health concerns such as weight gain, decreased energy levels, and a higher risk of chronic diseases. Maintaining a healthy metabolism is crucial for overall well-being and vitality throughout life. Sauna use can be beneficial for supporting metabolism, as it promotes circulation, increases heart rate, and induces sweating, which helps the body to detoxify and expel toxins. Regular sauna sessions have been associated with improved cardiovascular health, stress reduction, and even weight management, all of which contribute to supporting a healthy metabolism as we age. Studies have also shown that sauna usage can increase your metabolism by up to 10 to 13 percent.
  2. Detoxify Your Body: Step into a sauna and experience deep sweating, a natural process that helps flush toxins from your body. The combination of increased body temperature and enhanced blood flow prompts your sweat glands to expel toxins such as copper, zinc, lead, mercury, and nickel. This detoxification process not only cleanses your body but also boosts energy levels, improves mental clarity, strengthens your immune system, and promotes healthy skin.
  3. Manage Stress: Escape from the pressures of everyday life as the heat from the sauna helps regulate cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress. By reducing cortisol and increasing serotonin, known as the “happy hormone,” saunas promote relaxation and a sense of well-being.
  4. Enhance Immunity: Regular sauna sessions can bolster your body’s defenses against illnesses like colds and influenza. The heat stimulates the production of white blood cells, which play a crucial role in fighting off infections and viruses. Additionally, sauna heat can alleviate sinus congestion from allergies and colds, offering relief when you need it most.
  5. Burn Calories: Pair your sauna experience with an interactive RedFit iGym workout for maximum calorie burn. As you sweat in the sauna, your body expends energy, aiding in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. Combined with a consistent exercise regimen, sauna sessions can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases like heart problems and obesity. Not only will you experience more natural sweating, but you’ll also experience longer-lasting hyper-caloric afterburn and see an increase in your fitness levels. In short, more results in less time! 
  6. Soothe Aches and Pain: Indulge in post-workout relaxation as the sauna’s high heat triggers the release of endorphins, your body’s natural pain relievers. These “feel-good hormones” help alleviate muscle soreness, joint pain, and general discomfort, promoting faster recovery and enhanced well-being. The iGym technology offers recovery activities, including recovery workouts, yoga, massage, stretching, foam rolling, and thermal-focused meditation, just to name a few. 

Visit one of our two showrooms in Madison and Sun Prairie to explore our range of Wellness Saunas and discover how RedFit iGym can complement your wellness journey. Our experts will guide you in selecting the perfect sauna for your needs and provide insights on incorporating sauna sessions into your fitness routine. Elevate your wellness experience with Wellness Saunas and RedFit iGym – where tradition meets innovation for a healthier, happier you.